within what range of radiation exposure do symptoms of sickness begin to appear?
Astute Radiation Sickness From Chernobyl☆
A.Five. Barabanova , ... K.V. Kotenko , in Reference Module in Globe Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2019
Astute radiation sickness (ARS) is a complex of syndromes developed in human due to brusk-duration whole trunk exposure to ionizing radiations with doses higher than 0.7–1.0 Gy. The most mutual and important syndromes are bone marrow syndrome (dose from 0.7 to ten.0 Gy), gastrointestinal syndrome (above 8.0 Gy), cardiovascular syndrome (in a higher place 20.0 Gy), central nervous arrangement (or neurological) syndrome (higher up 80.0 Gy), and cutaneous (skin) syndrome (above 10.0 Gy). The severity as well as significance of each syndrome in any particular case of ARS depends on the dose of exposure and distribution of the captivated dose within the torso. Radiation injury to other organs, such as oral mucous, lungs, heart, and centre, is too possible under some circumstances. Radiation doses sufficient to initiate the ARS come from external sources and consist of the more penetrating γ-rays, X-rays, neutrons, electrons, or combinations thereof. Occasional instances in which internal radioactive contamination has produced furnishings every bit seen in the ARS are very rare.
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Nuclear and Radiological Disasters
Bruce W. Clements , Julie Ann P. Casani , in Disasters and Public Health (Second Edition), 2016
Human Health Effects
Astute Radiations Syndrome (ARS) is one of the most challenging aspects of a public health and medical response to a nuclear or radiological incident. This condition is the result of a large exposure to a penetrating external radiation source over a brusque period of time. ARS includes four stages. A prodromal stage with gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea tin can begin within minutes or days of the exposure and concluding up to several days. A latent phase follows in which the patient feels fine for a catamenia of fourth dimension ranging from hours to weeks. This latent stage is followed by a manifest illness stage, which includes one or more of iii classic syndromes ( CDC, 2005a):
- •
Bone marrow syndrome ofttimes leading to death from the destruction of bone marrow resulting in infections and hemorrhage
- •
Gastrointestinal syndrome likely leading to death from serious gastrointestinal tract damage causing infections, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance
- •
Cardiovascular/cardinal nervous system syndrome leading to death within a few days from circulatory system collapse and increased intracranial pressure from edema, vasculitis, and meningitis
The final stage is either recovery or death. The unabridged process tin can take from a few weeks to a couple years. Table fifteen-ii provides boosted details on the progression of each syndrome.
Table 15-ii. ARS Doses and Stages
Bone Marrow Syndrome | Gastrointestinal Syndrome | Cardiovascular/Central Nervous System Syndrome | |
Mild symptoms may brainstorm | 0.iii Gy (30 rad) | 6 Gy (600 rad) | twenty Gy (2000 rad) |
Typical dose resulting in syndromes a | >0.seven Gy (>70 rad) | >10 Gy (>1000 rad) | >fifty Gy (5000 rad) |
Prodromal stage | Symptoms include anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Onset in i hours–2 days after exposure. Phase lasts from minutes to days. | Symptoms are anorexia, astringent nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea. Onset occurs within a few hours subsequently exposure. Phase lasts about two days to ane calendar week. | Symptoms are extreme nervousness and confusion; severe nausea, vomiting, and watery diarrhea; loss of consciousness; and burning sensations of the skin. Onset occurs within minutes of exposure. Stage lasts for minutes to hours. |
Latent stage | Stalk cells in bone marrow are dying, although patient may announced and feel well. Stage lasts 1–6 weeks. | Stem cells in os marrow and cells lining GI tract are dying, although patient may appear and feel well. Stage lasts less than 1 calendar week. | Patient may return to fractional functionality. Stage may last for hours but commonly is less. |
Manifest illness stage | Symptoms are anorexia, fever, and angst. Drib in all claret cell counts occurs for several weeks. Primary crusade of death is infection and hemorrhage. Most deaths occur within a few months. | Symptoms are malaise, anorexia, severe diarrhea, fever, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. Decease is due to infection, aridity, and electrolyte imbalance. Death occurs within ii weeks of exposure. | Symptoms are return of watery diarrhea, convulsions, and coma. Onset occurs v–6 hours afterward exposure. Expiry occurs inside 3 days of exposure. |
Recovery stage | In most cases, bone marrow cells will begin to repopulate the marrow. There should be full recovery for a large per centum of individuals from a few weeks up to ii years after exposure. Death may occur in some individuals at i.2 Gy (120 rad). The LD50/60 b is near 2.5–5 Gy (250–500 rad). | LD100 c is near 10 Gy (chiliad rad). | No recovery expected |
- a
- All captivated doses listed are "gamma equivalent" values.
- b
- The LD50/sixty is the dose necessary to impale 50% of the exposed population in sixty days.
- c
- The LD100 is the dose necessary to kill 100% of the exposed population.
Adjusted from the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention, Acute Radiations Syndrome: A Fact Sail of Physicians. Available at: http://world wide web.bt.cdc.gov/radiation/arsphysicianfactsheet.asp.
ARS usually involves such a large external radiation exposure that information technology includes cutaneous radiation injury (CRI) as well (Figs. 15-half-dozen and xv-vii). CRI tin can besides occur with no association to ARS. In fact, CRI is well-nigh often found in people who have come in direct contact with an industrial radiations source. There is commonly a delay betwixt the exposure and the onset of symptoms and the progression is in stages, like to ARS. There is a prodromal, latent, and manifest illness stage, sometimes followed past a third moving ridge earlier recovery (CDC, 2005b). Skin bug at the CRI site can reemerge in months and years following recovery and may include skin cancer.
Effigy 15-6. A cutaneous radiation injury from a fluoroscopy nearly 6 months after an exposure estimated at about twenty Gy.
Photograph courtesy of the Food and Drug Administration.
Figure 15-7. The victim of an diminutive bomb with her skin burned in a pattern corresponding to the dark portions of a kimono worn at the time of the explosion.
Photograph courtesy of the U.South. National Athenaeum.At that place are too special challenges in managing significant patients exposed to radiations. Although the fetus or embryo receives a lower exposure than the mother due to the protection of the mother's body, they are also far more vulnerable to the consequences of a radiation exposure. Since cells are dividing quickly in the growing fetus, the Dna and cellular damage resulting from radiation exposure can cause to birth defects, growth retardation, impaired encephalon function, and cancer (CDC, 2005c). Managing these exposures requires a squad of specialists including a health physicist to assistance in determining the dose experienced.
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Ionizing Radiation in Veterinary Medicine
Lisa Murphy , in Veterinary Toxicology (Tertiary Edition), 2018
Acute Effects of Radiation Exposure in Animals
Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) was first described in human being victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Whole-torso irradiation doses associated with ARS in people generally exceed 1 Gy, or almost 160 times an average almanac exposure (Rella, 2015). The sequence of events observed with ARS varies with the severity of the exposure (Waselenko et al., 2004). The effects of radiations exposure, including time until expiry occurs post-obit whole-body irradiation, vary among animal species and are determined by the exposure duration and the radioisotope(s) involved (Sample and Irvine, 2011; von Zallinger and Tempel, 1998). Survival times for lethally exposed animals vary from minutes for an absorbed dose of 1000 Gy to 3–v days for 10–100 Gy and upwardly to 30–60 days for 2–ten Gy (Coggle, 1983). LD50/30 is divers every bit the radiation dose that is lethal to fifty% of the population inside 30 days. LDl/xxx values for six domestic mammal species are summarized in Table nineteen.2. Similar information has been published for effective radiation doses (Berger et al., 1987). Astute whole-body exposures of >20 Sv are fatal within minutes to hours, 5–20 Sv produces symptoms within minutes to hours and death within approximately 1 week, and <five Sv results in hematopoietic effects developing over days to weeks with death more than probably at doses >3 Sv. Balmy symptoms may occur with 0.5–ane Sv and <0.v Sv is not expected to produce any early effects. An estimated LD50 for humans and several creature species is 3.5 Sv.
Table nineteen.ii. LD50/30 Values for Selected Domestic Mammals
Species | Dose |
Burros | i.eight–2.eight Gy |
Cattle | ane.6–2.75 Gy, 1.5 Gy for calves |
Goats | ii.37 Gy |
Pigs | 2.18–2.47 Gy |
Dogs | 2.55–3.35 Gy |
Source: Adapted from von Zallinger, C., Tempel, K., 1998. The physiologic response of domestic animals to ionizing radiation: a review. Vet. Radiol. Ultras 39(half-dozen), 495–503.
In general, as the severity of exposure increases, and then does the severity of clinical signs and the time of onset decreases, with some differences among fauna species (von Zallinger and Tempel, 1998). Burros are relatively resistant to total-trunk radiations doses that are lethal for other mammals, and cattle have a delayed hematopoietic response. The main feature of ARS in swine is severe hemorrhage. Breed differences have been documented in pigs, with Hampshires surviving 57 days of daily 1 Gy doses of 60Co, compared to 19 days for Yorkshires (Brown et al., 1964). ARS in dogs nigh similarly resembles what occurs in humans (Tempel, 1983). Minipigs have been developed as a highly sensitive model for studying ARS and potential countermeasures (Elliott et al., 2014). Gamma radiation doses <two Gy are lethal due to hematopoietic ARS (H-ARS). ii–5 Gy are associated with an accelerated hematopoietic syndrome. five–12 Gy produces the classic signs of gastrointestinal ARS (GI-ARS): vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, bacterial translocation, and decreased plasma citrulline levels, a routine biomarker for gastrointestinal syndrome (Kaore and Kaore, 2014).
Previous stresses such every bit high levels of production or extreme climates at the time of the exposure may reduce survival times in animals even farther than initially expected. Fifty-fifty surviving animals may have late effects that bear upon their meat, milk, and egg product. While animals will not be permanently sterilized past radioactive contamination (Berger et al., 1987), fertility may be decreased, fifty-fifty in recovered individuals.
The iv classical clinical stages of ARS are described in Table nineteen.three. Lethally exposed patients may rapidly progress through the first three stages within a few hours before succumbing (Rella, 2015). The various body systems showroom their ain clinical pictures during the manifest illness stage every bit listed in Tabular array xix.3 and outlined in more than particular in Table 19.4. Time to onset of airsickness and kinetics of lymphocyte depletion have been used as the basis of triaging human radiation exposures. The gilded standard is analyzing the number of dicentric chromosomes in lymphocytes, which can be correlated to a whole-body radiation dose (Rella, 2015).
Table 19.three. Clinical Stages of Astute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
Stage | Time of Onset Postexposure | Clinical Features | Duration |
Early on prodromal stage | Hours to days, inversely proportional to dose received | Nausea and vomiting | Directly proportional to dose except when expiry occurs rapidly |
Latent flow | Hours to days | Apparent clinical improvement | Days to weeks, inversely related to dose |
Manifest illness | 3–5 weeks | Cerebrovascular injury | Variable, until decease or recovery |
Pulmonary illness | |||
Gastrointestinal syndrome | |||
Hematopoietic syndrome | |||
Cutaneous syndrome | |||
Recovery | Variable | Clinical improvement and eventual recovery | Weeks to months |
Source: Adapted from Rella, J.One thousand., 2015. Radiation. In Hoffman, R.S., Howland, M.A., Lewin, Due north.A., Nelson, L.S., Goldfrank, 50.R. (Eds.), Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies (10th ed.) (pp. 1703-1712). McGraw-Colina Education, New York.
Table 19.4. Body System-Specific Manifestations Associated With Acute Radiations Syndrome (ARS)
Syndrome | Associated Exposure Dose | Clinical Manifestations |
Cerebrovascular | ≥15–20 Gy (humans) | Hyperthermia, ataxia, loss of motor control, apathy, lethargy, cardiovascular daze, seizures, coma |
>80–100 Gy (lethal dose in animals) | ||
Pulmonary | half-dozen–10 Gy (humans) | Pneumonitis within 1–three months of exposure followed by respiratory failure, pulmonary fibrosis, or cor pulmonale months to years later on |
Gastrointestinal | ≥6 Gy (humans) | Anorexia, nausea, airsickness, diarrhea with or without blood, loss of peristalsis, abdominal distension, dehydration, sepsis |
10–100 Gy (lethal dose for animals) | ||
Hematopoietic | ≥1 Gy (humans) | Pancytopenia, hemorrhage, sepsis |
2–10 Gy (lethal dose for animals) | ||
Cutaneous | 3–l+ Gy (humans) | Bullae, blisters, hair loss, pruritis, ulceration, onycholysis |
Source: Adjusted from Rella, J.G., 2015. Radiation. In Hoffman, R.S., Howland, M.A., Lewin, N.A., Nelson, L.S., Goldfrank, L.R. (Eds.), Goldfrank'southward Toxicologic Emergencies (10th ed.) (pp. 1703–1712). McGraw-Hill Education, New York; von Zallinger, C., Tempel, K., 1998. The physiologic response of domestic animals to ionizing radiation: a review. Vet. Radiol. Ultras 39(six), 495–503.
The generalization that immature, apace growing tissues are about radiosensitive was postulated by Bergonie and Tribondeau (1906). In mammals this includes reproductive germ cells, dermal and gastrointestinal stalk cells, and erythroblasts (Sample and Irvine, 2011). Cattle studied after the outset diminutive bomb exam in 1945 were estimated to have received 1.5 Gy of penetrating whole-body radiation and 370 Gy of beta radiation to the peel over the dorsum (Dark-brown et al., 1966). The animals developed epilation and blistering 3–4 weeks afterwards that healed with scarring afterward several months. Three years later, hyperkeratosis, epilation, depigmented hair, and other abnormalities were still axiomatic, and cows surviving ≥xv years developed squamous cell carcinomas in the previously-afflicted areas. Compared to adult cattle, calves with ARS develop more than severe respiratory infections, diarrhea, and hemorrhage (von Zallinger and Tempel, 1998).
The LD50/30 for birds ranges from 5 to xx Gy for nigh species (Woodhead, 1998), making them well-nigh as sensitive to acute radiation exposures as mammals. A gradual decline and subsequent recovery was observed in newly hatched white leghorn chicks exposed to two.25 Gy of gamma source radiations (Malhotra et al., 1990). In the same study, unmarried exposures of 15 day former chicks to 6.6 Gy of gamma radiations was 100% lethal within 7 days.
In domestic and exotic vertebrate animals receiving radiation therapy, side effects are mostly categorized equally astute effects and late effects (Kent, 2017). Astute effects reported most the end of therapy or soon later on include mucositis and desquamation, usually resolving within weeks. Examples of belatedly effects seen after months or years are fibrosis, necrosis, and new tumor formation.
Acute radiations doses that are lethal to vertebrates are generally lower than lethal doses in invertebrates. In a similar fashion, reproductive success in mammals is more radiosensitive than in invertebrates, with fish falling somewhere in between. Diverse databases of radiations exposure and effects, exposure estimation and risk evaluation models, and furnishings thresholds have been developed and are reviewed in detail elsewhere (Sample and Irvine, 2011). Nigh recently, the International Committee of Radiological Protection (ICRP) introduced a organization of Reference Animals and Plants (ICRP, 2009). Past providing radioisotope effects data for 39 elements in 12 species found in a diversity of habitats (deer, rat, duck, frog, trout, flatfish, bee, crab, earthworm, pine tree, wild grass, and brownish seaweed), exposures and effects in other animals tin exist estimated.
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Introduction to Nuclear and Radiological Disasters
Dale M. Molé , in Ciottone'southward Disaster Medicine (2d Edition), 2016
Current practice
External irradiation is the exposure of the entire body or merely a role of information technology to an external source of penetrating radiation. Unless exposed to high-intensity neutron radiation, a patient is not radioactive from external irradiation and no special protective measures are required of medical personnel.
Astute radiation syndrome (ARS) is the principal threat to life subsequently exposure to major doses of radiations. 31 The diagnosis of ARS is based on a history of exposure and clinical findings (Box 105-1). ARS occurs when the entire body is exposed to a big dose of penetrating external radiation over a short period. There are three classic ARSs.
Bone marrow or hematopoietic syndrome usually occurs with doses higher than 2 Sv (200 rem), depending on the premorbid state of health. Destruction or depression of the bone marrow produces a pancytopenia, resulting in increased susceptibility to infection and clotting abnormalities. Every bit long as the os marrow is not destroyed completely, granulocyte-stimulating factors may enhance regeneration.
The Radiations Injury Treatment Network (RITN) was formed in 2006 to leverage the expertise of hematologists, oncologists, and stem prison cell transplant practitioners in preparing for and responding to a mass casualty radiological or nuclear result. 32 These specialists are accustomed to providing the intensive supportive care required by patients with suppressed bone marrow function.
Gastrointestinal syndrome occurs with doses greater than vi Sv (600 rem). Cell expiry and sloughing of the intestinal mucosa outcome initially in nausea, airsickness, and diarrhea. Considering gastrointestinal symptoms coincide with hematologic abnormalities, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and sepsis are part of the natural disease grade. Severe bloody diarrhea is an ominous sign.
Cardiovascular (CV)/central nervous system (CNS) syndrome occurs with doses exceeding 20 Sv (2000 rem). The nigh immediate nausea, vomiting, clutter, and convulsions are the outcome of lengthened microvascular leaks in the CNS, causing edema and increased intracranial pressure. Cardiovascular collapse from a transient postirradiation vasodilation has been observed. 33
ARS progresses through the following four clinical phases:
- •
The prodromal stage occurs within hours of exposure and may final for up to two days. Symptoms are a part of the total rad dose and include anorexia, nausea, airsickness, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, respiratory distress, and agitation. Handling should be symptomatic.
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The latent stage is a transitional period in which the patient is asymptomatic. This may concluding equally long as 3 weeks, simply is much shorter with higher radiation exposures.
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The affliction phase produces overt clinical manifestations, including infection because of leukopenia, bleeding from thrombocytopenia, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalances, altered mental status, and shock.
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The death or recovery stage often occurs over weeks or months.
The clinical phases of ARS are related to cell reproduction, with the fastest-dividing cells affected primeval. The time of onset after exposure of general signs and symptoms related to the hematopoietic and gastrointestinal systems are good markers for prognosis. Subsequently exposure, a shorter fourth dimension until symptom onset is associated with a poorer prognosis. Ane should remain aware that feet and hurting might also produce nausea and vomiting.
Biodosimetry is a method of determining radiations exposure that is more objective. Although cytogenetic chromosome abnormality assay remains the aureate standard, current applied science does non provide the throughput capacity required for a mass casualty situation. Determining the absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) initially, and so every vi hours for 2 to 3 days, and then every 12 hours for 4 days is a useful approach. 34 A l% drop in lymphocytes at 24 hours postexposure is indicative of significant radiation injury. 35 At 48 hours postexposure, if the ALC is greater than 1200, the patient likely received a nonlethal dose. An ALC betwixt 300 and 1200 indicates significant exposure and the need for hospitalization. If the ALC is less than 300, the patient is critically ill and should exist considered for colony-stimulating factors. The ALC may be an unreliable indicator in a patient with combined injuries.
The Armed Forces Radiobiology Inquiry Institute developed a Biodosimetry Cess Tool (BAT)—available for download at their website—that provides for the recording of peripheral claret lymphocyte counts and and then converts them into radiations dose predictions using lymphocyte depletion kinetic models (Box 105-2).
Cutaneous radiation syndrome (CRS) is the constellation of symptoms resulting from acute exposure to beta radiation or x-rays. This can occur when radioactive isotopes contaminate the patient's dress or skin. Although similar in advent to thermal burns, radiation burns may take several days to appear. Dermal changes can help estimate the dose of radiation received, then information technology is important to observe for signs of erythema, pain, cicatrice formation, and necrosis. Sequelae from CRS include vascular insufficiency developing months or years subsequently exposure and causing necrosis or ulceration of previously healed tissue, and sometimes requiring hyperbaric oxygen therapy, plastic surgery, or amputation. Because of radiations'southward effect on dividing cells, if a radiation patient requires emergency surgery, it should exist done within the first 24 to 48 hours after the radiation injury; otherwise, the surgery should be delayed for 3 months.
Radioactive contagion occurs if radioactive materials are deposited internally, externally, or both. Patients tin be radioactive and require decontamination when radioisotopes are inhaled, ingested, or deposited in wounds. Incorporation occurs if radioactive materials are taken up by cells and incorporated into tissues or organs.
Constructive handling of internal contagion requires knowledge of the type and chemical form of the radioisotope. The goal is to hasten emptying and prevent incorporation. This is achieved by reducing absorption (with Prussian bluish in the case of cesium), by using dilution techniques (forcing fluids with tritium), chelation (plutonium), or blocking agents (potassium iodide for radioactive iodine). The use of potassium iodide equally a blocking agent is specially important for nuclear reactor accidents because of the amount of iodine-131 discharged, the trend for biological uptake via inhalation or ingestion of contaminated nutrient or water, and its rapid accumulation in the thyroid gland resulting in significant irradiation. 36
External contagion is not usually a medical emergency. Simply removing clothing will eliminate xc% of the contamination. Water and detergent effectively remove peel contamination. Uncontaminated wounds should be covered before decontamination. Contaminated wounds should be treated conventionally with pressurized normal saline irrigation. Residual radioactivity oft comes off with dressing changes, in exudates, or with the eschar. If the wound remains contaminated with long-lived radioisotopes, wound excision should be considered. All contaminated clothing and materials should be placed in labeled plastic numberless for proper disposal.
Successfully treating radioactive-contaminated injured people requires teamwork and practice. In addition to the usual emergency medicine personnel, the hospital wellness physicist or radiation prophylactic officer is essential, both for assistance in conducting surveys of the patient with radiation detection equipment and in providing additional advice regarding decontamination. Emergency section patient decontamination and treatment exercises should occur at least annually to ensure proper decontamination technique, reinforce appropriate treatment priorities, and provide familiarity with radiation detection equipment and personal dosimeters.
It is likely that patients will present with mixed injuries (i.eastward., trauma or burns combined with significant radiations exposure or contamination). Evaluate, resuscitate, and stabilize the patient before completing decontamination.
Triage decisions based on radiations exposure tin can be difficult when there are large numbers of casualties because the individual exposure is unknown. Early onset of ARS symptoms portends a poor event. Patients with mixed injuries have a much poorer prognosis than do those sustaining an isolated trauma, fire, or radiation insult. Triage assistance tools tin can be found at the resource websites listed beneath.
Surgeons operating on irradiated patients should consider them immunocompromised. Impaired wound healing, as well as fluid residue, electrolyte, and clotting abnormalities, should be expected. The earlier the patient is operated on afterward exposure, the amend. If operations are performed early on, surgical wounds should be in the healing phase when the immune organization is at its nadir. Because of the loftier potential for sepsis, wound debridement must be meticulous. 37 Condom antibiotics should be considered for any patient with combined injuries of radiations exposure, burns, and classical trauma, and should be continued until the absolute neutrophil count rises to a higher place 500 and the patient is afebrile for at least 24 hours. The apply of hematopoietic growth factors shortens the duration of neutropenia, and it should exist started as soon equally significant radiations exposure is identified.
Over the last several years, the Office of the Banana Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Department of Health and Homo Services has done a masterful job developing an integrated medical response plan to a radiological or nuclear result. In collaboration with other government and nongovernment partners, they adult a comprehensive planning framework and online "simply-in-time" medical response guidance chosen Radiations Event Medical Management. The five-part response plan includes (1) bones radiations biology, (2) tailored medical responses, (3) delivery of medical countermeasures for postevent mitigation and treatment, (4) referral to expert centers for acute treatment, and (5) long-term follow-upwardly. 38
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Richard A. Parent , in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (2nd Edition), 2005
Acute radiation syndrome involves extreme cases of radiation exposure and information technology is difficult to envision such exposure from environmentally generated radon and its daughters. When information technology does occur, however, it appears to progress in four stages: prodome, latent, manifest illness, and recovery. The prodome phase occurs ∼48–72 h postexposure and is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, salivation, and aridity with accompanying neurovascular dysfunction, which includes fatigue, weakness, apathy, fever, and hypotension. During the latency flow, exposure of the bone marrow results in decreased jail cell counts that are dose dependent. This period lasts from 1 to 2.5 weeks. Major organ damage can occur during this phase and extends into the manifest illness phase that results in either recovery or death.
Radon is non acutely irritating to the eye or mucous membranes.
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Nuclear Detonation
Yasser A. Alaska , ... William E. Dickerson , in Ciottone's Disaster Medicine (Second Edition), 2016
Acute Radiations Syndrome
Patients with acute radiation syndrome (ARS) classically go through 4 clinical phases: prodrome, latency, manifest illness, and either recovery or death. During the prodromal phase, they ordinarily present with nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and even loss of consciousness at higher doses. Organ systems that are mostly affected by radiation injury are the hematologic, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems (CNS) and cardiovascular systems (CVS). Even with low radiation levels, peripheral blood cytopenias can occur. Lymphocytes are the virtually sensitive among claret cells, and lymphocyte count tin be used to measure the caste of radiations exposure. The dose at which only 50% of adult humans will survive for at least 60 days without any supportive care (LD50/60) is effectually iii.five Gy. 2 ARS may require early on employ of hematopoietic colony-stimulating factors such as filgrastim. ARS may occur miles from an incident due to radioactive fallout (Figure 106-i). At that place volition probably be no major role for the utilise of potassium iodide, Prussian blue, or diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) afterward a nuclear detonation. (See Chapters 83 and 84 for a more than thorough discussion of ARS.)
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General Systemic States
In Veterinarian Medicine (Eleventh Edition), 2017
The acute radiations syndromes from astute radiation usually occur within the get-go few days after exposure to whole-body radiations to 30 to 60 days depending on the radiation dose. Based on the dose, the major manifestations have been divided into 3 major presentations, central nervous organization (CNS), gastrointestinal, and hemorrhagic, simply there is considerable overlap in clinical signs at all but the high doses that effect in the peracute CNS syndrome.
Doses greater than 80 to 100 Greyness (Gy) induce rapid impairment to claret vessels, changes in permeability, and an increase in intracranial pressure with expiry in 2 to 5 days. Gastrointestinal affliction results when the radiation dose ranges betwixt 10 and 80 Gy and results from impairment to the speedily dividing undifferentiated cells in crypts of intestinal villi, which are the progenitor cells to the differentiated enterocytes of the abdominal villi. Damage to bone marrow stem cells is the main cause of expiry at whole-body doses betwixt 2 and 10 Gy with death in large animals occurring 6 to 8 weeks later on exposure. Clinical illness is ho-hum in development after exposure because the consequence of this damage is not evident until the expiry of existing circulating blood cells. The furnishings are the result of decreased granulocytes, platelets, and red cells and are manifested with increased susceptibility to infection, bleeding syndromes, and anemia.
Initially in that location is a lymphopenia followed past a depression of granulocyte and platelet counts. The leukopenia permits invasion past bacteria from the alimentary tract and bacteremia and septicemia develop ane to 4 weeks subsequently irradiation. The clotting mechanism and antibody production are dumb and facilitate the invasion. Progressive necrosis of the gut wall without inflammation is characteristic. Thrombocytopenic hemorrhage into the lymphatic organization and other tissues leads to the development of a profound anemia.
The activity of germinative epithelium is as well profoundly depressed; if the animal survives the early on stages listed before, the pilus commences to shed, the peel to ulcerate, and a gross reduction in fertility occurs. Degenerative changes in the lens of the centre, specially cataract, may too occur. Long-term effects in animals are of less business than in man because of the brusque life bridge of animals and any genetic damage can be removed by selective breeding. Very long-term effects of irradiation include a loftier rate of mutations and a high incidence of tumors, by and large of the hemopoietic system, and an increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma of the pare.
Thyroid damage by iodine-131 does not appear a major risk for ruminants. The thyroid gland of the sheep is more radiosensitive than that of the cow but very loftier and sustained doses of iodine are required to produce damage, and clinical signs in thyroid-damaged ruminants are minimal.
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Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety
W. Dörr , M. Schmidt , in Comprehensive Biomedical Physics, 2014
7.05.5.i Introduction
The general features of astute radiations sickness have been described recently in more than detail, with special emphasis on animate being studies – as this is a rare result in humans – by Gerweck and Dörr (2011). The almost important aspects are briefly illustrated in this section. Whole-body radiation exposure can issue in the classical – hematopoietic (os marrow injury), GI, and cerebrovascular – radiation syndromes, in a dose-dependent manner. More recently, the cutaneous syndrome was added to this list (Peter, 2005). The latter was subsequently extended to the mucocutaneous syndrome (German Commission on Radiological Protection, 2008), now besides including cutaneous mucous membranes, such as oral mucosa, because these are closer radiobiologically to epidermis/pare rather than to the intestine (see Sections vii.05.iii.one and seven.05.3.three ). Withal, it must be emphasized that total body irradiation – also these lead syndromes – causes injury in a variety of other organs and systems, such as liver, kidney, respiratory, or cardiovascular, either directly or as a consequence of failure of other organs. Hence, the response of the organism to full torso irradiation must be considered as a multiorgan disease and eventually multiorgan failure (Dörr and Meineke, 2011; Fliedner et al., 2005; Peter, 2005; Williams and McBride, 2011).
It also must be emphasized that – in surviving subjects – chronic changes tin can develop in various, radiosensitive organ systems, similar lung, centre, or kidney. Even at very low doses, some tissues may display clinically relevant changes, for example, cataract of the middle lens (Ainsbury et al., 2009), or changes in the reproductive system (Bezold et al., 2000). Hence, these patients crave a lifelong follow-upward.
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Radiation and Health Effects
Kausik Ray , Melissa Stick , in Handbook of Toxicology of Chemic Warfare Agents (Second Edition), 2015
Diminutive Bomb Survivors
The greatest number of state of war-related acute-radiation syndrome deaths occurred when nuclear bombs were detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Within 1–2 km of the epicenter, people received radiation doses as loftier as several Sv. At distances greater than ii.5 km, irradiation was not significantly above the background. Risk estimates are important because they are used for occupational exposure guidelines. Based on more than than 60 years of collected data and a follow-upwards study of atomic bomb survivors, the Life Span Study (LSS) investigated the radiation furnishings on human health (Sakata et al., 2012). The LSS cohort consisted of 93,741 atomic bomb survivors and another 26,580 historic period and sex activity-matched subjects who were not in either city at the fourth dimension of the bombing. Radiation doses were computed based on individual location and shielding condition at the time of the bombings. Radiations exposure significantly increases the risks of expiry (22% at 1 Gy), cancer incidence (47% at 1 Gy), death due to leukemia (310% at 1 Gy), and incidence of several noncancer diseases (eastward.one thousand., thyroid nodules, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, uterine myoma, and hypertension). Significant effects on maturity (e.chiliad., growth reduction and early menopause) were as well observed, as was an increased incidence and mortality of diseases other than cancer. Another similar long-term follow-up study of atomic bomb survivors has provided reliable information on health risks for the survivors and was helpful in establishing radiation protection standards for workers and the public (Fujiwara et al., 2008; Grant et al., 2012; Semmens et al., 2013).
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Environmental Sources of Ionizing Radiation and Their Health Consequences
A.A. Goodarzi , ... D.D. Pearson , in Genome Stability, 2016
List of Abbreviations
- Alt-NHEJ
Alternative NHEJ
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Astute radiation sickness
Clutter telangiectasia mutated
- CT
Computed tomography
DNA-damage response
Deoxyribonucleic acrid
- DSBs
Dna double-stranded breaks
Excess relative take chances
Galactic cosmic rays
- Hr
Homologous recombination
High atomic number and free energy
Interstrand cantankerous-link
- IR
Ionizing radiations
Linear energy transfer
Life span written report
Multiple-impairment sites
Methylguanine-DNA-methyl transferase
Nonhomologous terminate joining
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- ·OH
Hydroxyl radical
- SSBs
DNA single-stranded breaks
Relative biological effectiveness
Reactive oxygen species
- RT
- UN
United Nations
- UV
World Health Organization
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Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/pharmacology-toxicology-and-pharmaceutical-science/acute-radiation-syndrome
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